Short-term Certificate Courses

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Hands-on Training Workshops

Research Methods and Techniques: Data Collection, Interpretation and Analysis

15th – 17th February 2024

Mode: Online



This three-day course aims to acquaint participants with the essential skills, learning tools, and techniques for the collection, analysis, and interpretation of both quantitative and qualitative data.



The three-day course on Research Methods and Techniques will establish the importance of scientific and systematic inquiry. The course will set forth the requisite tools for the strategic formulation of research designs, facilitating a nuanced comprehension of data collection and processing methodologies, ultimately culminating in the generation of well-informed outputs. It will instil analytical thinking, concurrently illustrating methodological approaches for investigating specific thematic domains. The theoretical exposition of both quantitative and qualitative research methods will be augmented by the presentation of case-studies derived from fundamental as well as empirical research conducted in the field of heritage studies.


Learning Outcomes:

Upon the completion of this course the participants would be able to:
Identify varied methodologies to conduct research
Discuss the application of data collection and analysis techniques in the field of Heritage Studies



Participants/Students will be expected to complete a minimum of 75% of the course in order to get the certificate at the end of the course. Online participants need to keep their cameras switched on all the time in order to be marked present.



The course will be taught by the invited guest speakers on specific aspects of the course.


Registration Charge

For Indian Nationals:
Online participation: INR 2700 + 18% GST

10% Discount for INTACH members and Alumni

20% Discount for Students


For registrations please contact:

Ms. Jaya Upreti– Office Assistant –

For further enquiries please contact

Ms. Riya Gupta – Research Associate –

Understanding and Documenting Intangible Cultural Heritage

18th-19th September

Mode: Online



The two-day course will introduce Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) and its significance in our cultural context to the participants. Through this course the participants will understand ICH and the methods for documenting it.  



India’s intangible cultural traditions have been practiced for centuries and they have been embodied in its various cultures, in the form of rituals, traditions, customs, craft forms, dance forms and so on.  

Through this course the participants would be introduced to the evolution of the idea of ICH in the wider global discourse of heritage. The course will give them the necessary orientation to be able to identify and document ICH from an ethnographic perspective. The participants will be given the skills to conduct identification and audio-visual documentation of ICH. 


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the importance of ICH in the broader context of heritage
  • Apply methods and approaches of recording and analysing ICH 



The course will be taught by the staff of IHA and experts from ICH Divisions of INTACH and invited guest speakers on specific aspects of the course.


Registration Charge: 

INR 1,800 + 18% GST

10% concession for INTACH members and IHA Alumni

20% concession for Students

[This includes delegate pack, handouts for the course, refreshments,  etc.]


Academic enquiries:

Ms. Anshika Jain –

Registration and administrative enquiries: 

Ms. Jaya Upreti–

Adaptive Reuse

5th-6th October

Mode: Offline


The aim of this two-day course on Adaptive Reuse is to provide students with an understanding of the principles, strategies, and challenges involved in adapting historic buildings and sites for contemporary uses while maintaining their heritage value. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge, case studies, and field visit, students will gain the skills and insights necessary to make informed decisions in the adaptive reuse of heritage structures.



In the realm of heritage conservation, the concept of adaptive reuse emerges as a powerful and innovative approach to breathe new life into historic structures. Adaptive reuse is a dynamic process that recognises the inherent value of heritage buildings and seeks to repurpose them for contemporary needs, maintaining their historical, architectural, and cultural significance while ensuring their continued relevance in a rapidly changing world. It not only maintains their intrinsic value but also contributes to sustainable development, reduces environmental impact, and promotes economic revitalization.

This course delves into the art and science of adaptive reuse, exploring its significance, the challenges it poses, and the strategies that make it a pivotal tool in heritage conservation.


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course the participants will be able to –

  • Define the concept of adaptive reuse and list its benefits.
  • Identify challenges and opportunities in adaptive reuse projects


 Registration Charge:

INR 2,400 + 18% GST

10% concession for INTACH members and IHA Alumni

20% concession for Students

[This includes delegate pack, any handouts for the course, refreshments, field visits, tools etc.]


Academic enquiries:

Ms. Aanchal Mehta –

Registration and administrative enquiries:

Ms. Jaya Upreti–


Revisiting Mechanism for Global Recognition of Heritage

9th October

Mode: Online


The one-day programme will introduce the participants to the global mechanisms and instruments  that exist for the recognition and acknowledgement of heritage and enable them to discuss the impacts of the same. 


Mid-20th century onwards, we saw the creation of intergovernmental organisations and instruments for global cooperation in aspects like security, peace, economic growth, environmental protection as well as heritage. This also led to the shift in the recognition of heritage and a sustained global movement for its protection. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is at the forefront of this movement and one of the oldest and most well known of these frameworks is the World Heritage Convention of UNESCO. 

The global instruments for heritage have played a vital role in the identification, listing,  preservation, protection and promotion of heritage on an international scale. They facilitate cooperation between stakeholders, provide a structure and set standards for safeguarding heritage. These have also helped bring the spotlight to underrecognised and unacknowledged areas of heritage and impacted how they are perceived even at the local level.

In this course the participants will be introduced to the frameworks and mechanisms that exist for recognising the various forms of heritage: cultural both tangible and intangible and natural. They will be oriented to their implementation as well as the processes and methods through which a heritage asset is upheld as being significant under these. It will further enable them to debate their impact and effectiveness as well as the influence these have had on the global discourse around heritage. 

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Identify the Mechanism that exist for the recognition of heritage at the global level
  • List the processes involved to identify a heritage asset under them
  • Debate the impact and influences of the global mechanisms on heritage in India 

The course will be taught by the staff of INTACH Heritage Academy and invited guest speakers on specific aspects of the course.

Registration Charge 

INR 900 + 18% GST

10% concession for INTACH members and IHA Alumni

20% concession for Students

Academic enquiries:

Ms. Anshika Jain –

Registration and administrative enquiries: 

Ms. Jaya Upreti–


Hands-on Workshop on Conservation of Built Heritage

11th – 13th October

Mode: Offline

Conservation Movement in India

17th October

Mode: Online


The aim of the course is to introduce the participants to the conservation discourse in India.



In India, indigenous practices for maintaining cultural heritage exist that have been well documented in various texts. However, the field of conservation in India has predominantly influenced by European principles, stemming from the colonial legacy. The course seeks to present a more ‘Indian’ approach and perspective on the matter of conservation. Through this course the participants will be able introduced to the different approaches to conservation in India and further discuss the issues and challenges in the field.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Examine the existing frameworks for conservation in India
  • Interpret the INTACH Charter for conservation



The course will be taught by the staff at INTACH and invited guest speakers on specific aspects of the course.


Registration Charge

INR 900 + 18% GST

10% concession for INTACH members and IHA Alumni

20% concession for Students


Academic enquiries:

Ms. Pragya Nagar –

Registration and administrative enquiries:

Ms. Jaya Upreti–

Heritage Impact Assessment

20th October

Mode: Offline


The aim of the course is to introduce the participants to the concept of Heritage Impact Assessment. They will be oriented to its need, frameworks, methodology and impact along with case studies.


Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) is a process that is used to evaluate and assess the potential impact of a proposed development or project on cultural heritage sites. The aim of an HIA is to identify and mitigate any adverse effects from these projects on heritage. In this one-day programme the students will be introduced to the toolkits and methodologies that are used for carrying out an HIA along with case studies that will showcase the impact of the same.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Defines what an HIA is and its role in heritage conservation
  • Explain the process of preparing HIA
  • Discuss case studies of HIA

The course will be taught by the staff at INTACH Heritage Academy & Architectural Heritage Division of INTACH.


Registration Fees

INR 1,200 + 18% GST for Indian nationals

10 % less for INTACH members and employees

20 % less for students with valid student card

[This includes registration charge, delegate packs, any handouts for the course, etc.]


Last Date of Registration

18th October, 2023


Academic enquiries:

Ms. Anshika Jain –

Registration and administrative enquiries:

Ms. Jaya Upreti–

Heritage, People, Law

28th October

Mode: Online


This course will focus on the intersection of heritage protection, law and people.  The participants will be exposed to the legal mechanisms that can be used for the protection of heritage along with some case studies of the same.


Cultural and natural heritage is usually connected to a community with stakeholder involvement at various levels. The perception of the legal regulations around heritage plays a significant role in the community’s relation with it. Through this course we will be looking at these legal regulations and how they have been used by activists and heritage sensitive members of the community to protect heritage. We will also look at the ways in which these mechanisms can be used to incentivise the protection of heritage by owners or stewards. The protection of heritage is very nuanced and layered and, in this course, we will be looking at how legal regulations can sometimes enable it and sometimes create a polarising effect

Thus, in this course the participants will understand the important role of people in heritage protection and the significance of laws and legal regulations to help them in safeguarding it.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Interpret the importance and role of people in heritage protection
  • Analyse the legal instruments that can be used for heritage protection and their impacts


Last Date of Registration

26th October, 2023


Registration Fees

INR 900 + 18% GST for Indian nationals

10 % less for INTACH members and employees

20 % less for students with valid student card

100% fee waiver for INTACH Chapter Members nominated by the Conveners

[This includes registration charge, delegate packs, any handouts for the course, etc.]


Academic enquiries:

Ms. Anshika Jain –

Registration and administrative enquiries:

Ms. Jaya Upreti–

Introduction to Digital Documentation for Built Heritage

25th – 26th October

Mode: Offline


Through the two-day workshop the participants will be introduced to digital techniques for documentation of built heritage.


 With advancements over the last few decades, digital technology has become a key instrument in documentation of built heritage. The workshop will also introduce a range of approaches, methods and technology that are used for documentation for architectural heritage such as; Photogrammetry, LiDAR technology, and thermal scanning. Through hands-on session the participants will be introduced to photogrammetry and will be able to understand the process of recording, processing and interpreting the collected data.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Distinguish between various digital technologies for documentation of heritage sites;
  • Apply skills of photogrammetry to document architectural heritage

The course will be taught by the staff at INTACH and invited guest speakers on specific aspects of the course.


Registration Charge

INR 2,400 + 18% GST

10% concession for INTACH members and IHA Alumni

20% concession for Students


Academic enquiries:

Ms. Pragya Nagar –


Registration and administrative enquiries:

Ms. Jaya Upreti–

Conserving Natural Heritage

3rd & 6th November 2023

Mode: Online


The aim of the course on Conserving Natural Heritage is to provide students with an overview of the philosophies related to the conservation of natural heritage and introduce the students to best practices and case studies on ground.


The course on conserving natural heritage will explore the fundamental philosophies underpinning the conservation of our natural heritage, while examining real-world examples of successful conservation and restoration initiatives. It aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of these philosophies and practices, inspiring a deeper appreciation for and engagement in the protection of our planet’s irreplaceable natural resources.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Gain an overview of philosophies related to the conservation of natural heritage
  • Recognise the importance of conserving natural heritage through best practices and case studies

The course will be taught by the staff of Natural Heritage Division of INTACH and invited guest speakers on specific aspects of the course.


Registration Charges:

INR 1,350+ 18% GST

10% concession for INTACH members and IHA Alumni

20% concession for Students

Environmental Impact Assessment

10th November

Mode: Offline



The aim of the course is to introduce the participants to the concept, need, framework and methodology of Environmental Impact Assessment. 


Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process used to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of a proposed project or development before it is executed. The objective of carrying out an EIA is to identify and assess the potential environmental, social, and economic effects of a project and to inform decision-makers about them. EIA is used to minimise the potential harms to the environment by any development project. In India the Environment (Protection) Act of 1986, is the legislation mechanism that deals with EIA the process for which is outlined in the EIA Notification.

In this one day workshop the participants will be introduced to the requirements, methodologies and processes of an EIA along with some case studies to illustrate it.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Define what an EIA is and its role in protecting the environment
  • Explain the steps involved in an EIA
  • Discuss case studies of EIA

Registration Charges

Rs. 1200 + 18% GST

10% Discount for INTACH Alumni

20% Discount for Students

[This includes registration fee, delegate pack, any handouts for the course, etc.]


Academic enquiries:

Ms. Anshika Jain –

Registration and administrative enquiries:

Ms. Jaya Upreti –


Register Now

Community-Led Conservation

1st – 3rd December

Mode: Offline

Download Brochure

The primary aim of this course is to empower participants with the knowledge to comprehend the role of community in heritage conservation. Through a blend of theoretical insights and practical applications, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationship between heritage and communities, and the principles, challenges, and methodologies associated with community-led conservation.


Community-Led Conservation is an approach that places communities at the heart of heritage preservation. It recognises that the communities associated with heritage are not only stewards but also essential stakeholders in its conservation. This approach acknowledges the community’s invaluable knowledge, traditions, and vested interests in the sustainable conservation of heritage. Through this course the students will delve into the core principles that drive this approach, explore successful case studies, and engage in interactive site visits to see the real-world impact of community involvement in heritage conservation.


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Identify the role of community in heritage conservation
  • Define the concept and principles of community-led conservation.
  • Recognise the cultural, social, and economic benefits of involving communities in heritage preservation.

The course will be taught by IHA staff and invited guest speakers on specific aspects of the course.


Registrat ion Fees

INR 3,600 + 18% GST for Indian nationals

10 % less for INTACH members and employees

20 % less for students with valid student card

[This includes registration charge, delegate packs, any handouts for the course, etc.]


Last Date of Registration

30 November 2023


Academic enquiries:

Ms. Aanchal Mehta –

Registration and administrative enquiries:

Ms. Jaya Upreti–

Register Now


Heritage Interpretation

28th to 30th November

Mode: Offline

Download Brochure


The aim of this three-day workshop is to introduce the participants to the frameworks and methodologies for interpreting heritage and their application in diverse contexts.



Heritage interpretation is a communication process that helps people understand and appreciate the natural, cultural and historical significance of a place and object. It conveys the significance and stories associated with heritage sites, artifacts and practices that engages and educates. The aim of heritage interpretation is to make the past come alive, foster a deeper connection with heritage and encourage a sense of ownership and responsibility towards it.


In this course the participants will be introduced to the concepts and principles that guide interpretation for heritage including orientation to the different ways to carry out interpretation and elementary skills to do the same. They will be exposed to key tools to best engage, educate, interest and inspire others towards heritage. Instruments like guided tours, exhibits, digital and multimedia methods to interpret heritage will be introduced through the presentation of case studies and site visits.


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the importance of interpretation for heritage
  • Explain different ways of interpreting heritage
  • Create an experience around a heritage asset


Resource People

The course will be taught by experts with experience in museums, archives, new media, site interpretation, technology-based interpretation, audio tours, heritage tours and heritage walks.


Registration Charges

Rs. 3600 + 18% GST

10% Discount for INTACH Alumni

20% Discount for Students

[This includes registration fee, delegate pack, any handouts for the course, etc.]



Academic enquiries:

Ms. Anshika Jain –


Registration and administrative enquiries:

Ms. Jaya Upreti –

Register Now

Course Calendar