Hands-on Training Workshops

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Hands-on Training Workshops

5- Day Open Course

Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage


The five-day workshop will introduce Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) and its significance in our cultural context to the participants. It aims to make the participants mindful of the need to document and safeguard it. The course will further expose the participants to the tools and frameworks that exist to document and safeguard ICH.


India’s intangible cultural traditions have been practiced for centuries and they have been embodied in its various cultures, in the form of rituals, traditions, customs, craft forms, dance forms and so on.

Through this course the participants would be introduced to the evolution of the idea of ICH in the wider global discourse on heritage. They will understand how ICH forms a crucial part of the identity of an individual or group. They will be exposed to the importance of ICH for communities as well as how communities take forward various forms of ICH practices.

The course will give them the necessary orientation to be able to identify and document ICH. The participants will be given the skills to conduct identification, listing and mapping, and recording of ICH. A range of approaches, methods and technology that are used for documentation and safeguarding of ICH will be demonstrated. The course will include site visits and hands on sessions on documenting ICH.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the importance and significance of ICH in the broader context of heritage
  • Apply methods and approaches of researching, documenting and recording, and analysing ICH
  • Explain methods of safeguarding ICH from appropriate examples and case studies.


The course will be taught by the staff of IHA and ICH Divisions of INTACH and invited guest speakers on specific aspects of the course.

Registration Charge:

  • 10% concession for INTACH members and IHA Alumni
  • 20% concession for Students

[This includes delegate pack, any handouts for the course, refreshments,tickets, tools etc.]


Ms. Anshika Jain – pras1.iha@gmail.com

Ms. Jaya Upreti– ihaprogram@gmail.com


Course Calendar