Smart Heritage in Smart City – Pune

‘SMART HERITAGE in Smart City’, is first in a series of events that aim to develop the concept of ‘Smart Heritage’ and explore the meaning of ‘Smart Heritage within a Smart City’. This first event organized by INTACH Heritage Academy during 28 – 30 August 2017 in collaboration with Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University (BVDU), Pune Biennale Foundation (PBF) and Dr Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Women (BNCA). It was held at the Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Environment Education and Research (BVIEER).
The event saw an about 100 professionals within the field share their ideas and intentions to pursue the objective of making Indian heritage ‘smarter’. A special field visit was organized where the participants got a direct experience of Pune’s heritage and the ‘Smart City’ components.
The consultative meet also tried to study the initial effect that the ‘Smart City’ project has had on Heritage using the city as the study pool.
The term ‘Smart Heritage’ was coined in Spain in 2014, at a roundtable meeting on ‘India-Spain Co-operation in the field of Heritage Conservation and Management’ at the International Biennial of Art and Heritage Management (AR&PA) in Valladolid.
During the meeting, INTACH had suggested initiating a programme wherein a group of heritage experts, with diverse approaches, would debate about challenges faced by heritage and the acts of heritage preservation and promotion in the wake of changing global scenarios, specifically in the case of ‘Smart’ cities. The idea was born out of an objective to transform these debates into a collection of ‘essential lessons’ to deliberate on smart heritage in smart cities.
A broad aim was to organize a 3-day consultative meet to understand the concept of ‘Smart Heritage’, exploring the meaning of ‘Smart Heritage within a Smart City’, and assess the application of the concept within the management of a ‘Smart City’.
The operational objective was to create awareness around the concept of ‘Smart Heritage’ in Smart City. The consultative meet also endeavoured to make ideas like community participation, e-governance, and new operational technologies popular. The consultative meet tried to study the initial effect that the ‘Smart City’ project has had on Heritage using the city as our study pool.
Upon completion of this course the participants should be able to: