CAPACITY BUILDING WORKSHOP for INTACH Chapter Members and Institutional Members

The workshop will introduce the aspects related to understanding- listing, documenting and conserving different kinds to heritages – natural, architectural, material and intangible heritage and all related issues.
We will explore the key issues – what is heritage, why does it matter, how do we value the past, what is of significance in this value system, who are the stakeholders in the field of heritage conservation and what roles various people and organizations perform within it. We will also discuss the concepts of tangible, intangible and living heritage and debate about the future of the past. The discussion will illustrate the process for Listing and Documentation of heritage and the ways in which legal and administrative approaches may be taken up for the protection and safeguarding of this heritage. Community involvement is crucial to INTACH’s activities and we will demonstrate case studies where this has been achieved in a substantial way. A specially designed field visit on the final day will help illustrate this broader understanding and conservation of heritage.
Upon completion of this workshop, the participants should –
3 Days
The fourth workshop is planned from 24th April (Monday morning) – 26th April (Wednesday noon) 2017