Other Publications

Other Publications

INTACH Charter

The INTACH Charter was adopted on the 4th of November, 2004 at the Plenary session at the INTACH National Convention. The document is the product of expert contributions made by several people both in India and abroad. In essence, it attempts to broaden the legal definition of architectural heritage, and to accommodate the diverse strands of conservation ideology existing in India. It also attempts to take into account the complex ground realities, socio-cultural and economic, that mediate conservation practice. The Charter is primarily intended to guide those working with INTACH and therefore, relates only to unprotected monuments, historic sites and other aspects of the tangible and intangible heritage. It is also intended for others, individuals and entities, who share similar concerns and seek to adopt coordinated action for conserving the unique architectural heritage of India.

INTACH Symposium: Book of Abstracts

The Symposium ‘Conserving Culturally Significant Places in India’ marks the completion of 20 years of the ‘INTACH Charter for the Conservation of Unprotected Architectural Heritage and Sites in India’. This publication is a compilation of 48 selected abstracts out of 125 that were received as a response to the call for papers. The selection committee included the members from the Editorial Advisory Board and Editorial Team of INTACH Journal of Heritage Studies (IJHS).

A Decade in Perspective: INTACH Heritage Academy

A Decade in Perspective: INTACH Heritage Academy is areport of IHA’s journey through the past ten years. The aim ofthis compilation was to collate and analyse the activities andapproaches of the past decade and chart a way forward forthe next 10 years of IHA. This report is divided into six sections.Section 2 and 3 are an in-depth compilation of the activities,workshops, publications and research work that have beenundertaken by IHA in the past 10 years under the threeverticals: Training, Research, and Capacity-Building. The fourthsection summarises the dialogues and initiatives undertakenby INTACH Heritage Academy on a national and global levelfor culture. The final sections are reflections that emergedthrough consultation in the past year and a proposed actionplan for the next decade.

Radar Report and Bhopal City Profile

The “INTACH Cities for Culture” initiative developed upon the Agenda 21 for Culture, its Nine Commitments and their Action Points has successfully completed one of its important phases with the compilation of the first Radar report. In order to provide achievable and measurable international guidelines and standards, the UCLG has conceived nine “Commitments” to provide guidance for the work of the local governments linked to the Agenda 21 for Culture. These commitments in the report relate the cultural quotient of the city of Bhopal with various facets of education, environment, economy, public spaces, governance etc. and aim to promote processes of self- evaluation. This will help in better fulfilment and more effective implementation of public policies and strategies. Under the guidance and leadership of Shri M. M. Upadhyay, Convenor Bhopal Chapter the first phase of this project is now complete. As an outcome, a Bhopal City Profile and a Radar Report (contextual analysis of cultural quotient for the city of Bhopal) has been completed.

ASEM Workshop: Techniques and Instruments for Conservation of Monuments and Artefacts

This book brings together the key discussions and ideas from an international workshop on heritage conservation across Asia-Europe Meeting countries. It explores the connections between architectural and material conservation, looking at both shared techniques and differing philosophies. A major focus is on balancing modern and traditional approaches, identifying gaps and finding better tools and methods suited for conservation work. Through case studies, practical sessions and an overview of INTACH’s conservation efforts, the book highlights challenges, innovations and the role of collaboration in moving the field forward. More than just a record of the workshop, it serves as a resource for heritage professionals, encouraging knowledge-sharing and new ways to protect cultural heritage.

Asia-Europe Network of Urban Heritage for Sustainable Creative Economies

This report presents the first-year activities of the Asia Europe Network of Urban Heritage for Sustainable Creative Economies, coordinated by the Secretariat at INTACH headquarters in New Delhi. The Network was first conceived during an ASEF forum in Yangon in 2013 and officially established under ASEF’s Creative Networks programme later that year in collaboration with Europa Nostra, International Institute for the Inclusive Museum, International National Trusts Organization and Yangon Heritage Trust. Its goal was to bring together cultural practitioners and creative professionals to address sustainable management in heritage cities. Over the year, consultative meetings helped define the Network’s vision, clarify key concepts related to creative economies and establish a structured approach to heritage-linked economic development. Despite limited resources, critical tasks were successfully undertaken by the Secretariat, with support from ASEF, INTACH staff, and various partners. This report provides a detailed account of these efforts and serves as a foundation for the Network’s future growth and collaboration.

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