Understanding ‘Outstanding Universal Value’ of World Heritage Sites in India
The broad aim of the course is to develop an in-depth understanding of the concept and the significance of ‘Outstanding Universal Value’ (OUV) in the context of World Heritage properties in India.
‘Outstanding Universal Value’ is the central idea behind the World Heritage Convention. The criterion for selection of proposed heritage site is based on the complete understanding of each term:
Outstanding: For properties to be of ‘Outstanding Universal Value’ they should be exceptional, or superlative – they should be the most remarkable places on earth.
Universal: Properties need to be outstanding from a global perspective. World Heritage does not aim to recognise properties that are remarkable from solely a national or regional perspective. Countries are encouraged to develop other approaches to recognise these places.
Value: What makes a property outstanding and universal is its “value”, or the natural and / or cultural worth of a property. This value is determined based on standards and processes established under the World Heritage Convention’s Operational Guidelines.
The course will define, identify and understand the concept of Outstanding Universal Value within the Indian context. During the course, we will attempt to answer the following questions, what is an Outstanding Universal Value (OUV)? ; How do we articulate OUV? ; What are the facts that need to be considered while identifying OUV of a site? ; What are the perspective / retrospective of an OUV? And what do we manage and conserve in a World Heritage Site – the site, the authenticity, the integrity or the OUV or all of the above?
The structure of the workshop will include lecture presentations, working sessions, interactive discussions and field visits.
Upon completion of this course the participants should –
The course will be taught by invited eminent speakers and staff at INTACH.
Registration Charges: INR 5000/- (For Indian Nationals); US $ 300 – (For Foreign Nationals)
[This includes registration charge, delegate pack, any handouts for the course, refreshments & lunches and field visit]
20 % less for INTACH members and employees and IHA alumni
30 % less for students