Registration Form Registration Form Title of the course Mode of attendance OnlineOffline Name Gender MaleFemaleOther Nationality CategoryIntach MemberStudentOther Qualification Profession Address (With PIN) Mobile No. Email ID (if any) Documents Enclosed(.jpg/.jpeg/.png/.pdf) (MAX size: 1MB) Degree Certificate / Identity proof / Statement of Purpose /Sample Work / Reference Letters / Curriculum Vitae Date Place Signature Note: Kindly confirm your attendance at the course by filling up this Registration Form at the earliest. There are a limited number of places available for each course that will be offered on a first-come first-served basis. A non-refundable course charge to be paid in cash or cheque before the commencement of the course. Cheques/DDs to be made in favour of “INTACH (General)”. All courses are run on a no-profit basis.